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Configure TopX Widgets

  1. From a Personal Dashboard or Investigator results screen, click Unconfigured TopX widget within the Tool Selector. 
    This changes the Unconfigured TopX widget text to bold and opens an empty window and grid.
  2. Right-click the empty pane and configure the following fields to determine your base TopX Chart and List:
    • TopX Field. Select the metadata field for which you would like to view data. This selection automatically changes the title of the TopX widget in the Tools Selector and the header of the window.
    • TopX Mode. This is set to TopX by Count by default, but you can select Top or Bottom X by Count, by Kbytes, or by Items/Packets. Changing this value also changes the title of the TopX widget in the Tool Selector and the header of the window. This value also changes the order of the grid so that the mode is the first column shown after Percent.
    • TopX Items. This is set to 10 by default, but you can select to see the top or bottom 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, or 20 to display that many items in the pie chart and in the grid.
    The result of setting these three values gives you a complete TopX widget in its most basic form.
  3. (Optional) To configure the presentation options, right-click the widget and select among the following:
    • Show Others. If the results returned have more than the Items specified, the data that does not fit within the Items specified can be shown within a single pie slice/record called Others. This option can be turned on and off so that only the Items specified are shown.

    • Display Mode. Show the chart and list, which is selected by default or to show the chart only or the list only.

    • View 3D. Display the pie chart in 3D or 2D.

  4. (Optional) To further customize the widget, right-click it, and then click Custom Properties. Add the filters and log source criteria you want. For more information on these options, see Use the Filter Editor.
  5. (Optional) Adjust the location of the widget by doing either of the following:

    • To move the window and dock elsewhere, select the window header and drag to the location you want.

    • To hide the window, select the name listed in the tool selector or right-click on the window header and click Hide.

  6. To save the TopX widget, you must save the whole layout by doing one of the following:
    • On the main toolbar, click Layouts, and then click Save Layout if you want to save the existing layout.

    • On the main toolbar, click Layouts, and then click Save Layout As if you want to save this layout as a new layout.

      For more comprehensive information on managing and using layouts, see Layouts.

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