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System Database Usage Widget

The System Database Usage widget is only available to Global Admins or Restricted Admins with elevated View and Manage privileges.

The System Database Usage widget allows you to easily monitor database levels by showing the percentage of each database that is currently being used.

The default chart setting for the System Database Usage widget displays the usage of the following five databases.

  • Alarms Database. Data related to all alarms, alarm notifications, and alarm histories generated by the LogRhythm Alarming and Response Manager (ARM).
  • Events Database. Log data that qualified as an Event.
  • Platform Manager Database (EMDB). All configuration information.
  • LogMart. Log metadata that qualified as an Event, or data that was sent because of a processing rule. Also includes tracking statistics for the log data volume.
  • Case Management Database (CMDB). Data for all cases as well as most of the associated evidence.

The widget provides a visual indicator when database usage is high. The colored bar that represents the usage of each database changes from blue to orange when the database’s usage exceeds the configured high usage percentage. The default setting for the high usage indicator for each database is 75%. The databases are shown in order from high usage to low usage and adjust automatically to changes.

To configure the System Database Usage widget to show and hide the percentages of databases that are being used:

  1. Hover your mouse over the widget and click the Settings icon.
    A blue border appears around the widget and the Inspector panel opens on the right.
  2. In the Inspector panel, do any of the following:
    • Click in the Title field and type a new title.
    • Select or clear the check box corresponding to each database to display it or remove it from the widget.
    • Set the High Usage Indicator for each visible database. The default value is 75%. To set a custom value for the widget, click in the value field and then type a new value.
  3. Click the Save icon on the upper-right side of the page to save the modified widget to your dashboard layout.
  4. (Optional) Click the arrow to collapse the Inspector panel.
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