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Perform Optional Configuration for Remote Log Collection

There are several optional configurations that can be performed on the computers used for collecting logs.

  1. On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Administration, and then click Windows Host Wizard.
    The Windows Host Wizard appears.
  3. Select the Action check box for each computer you want to configure, and then click Actions.
  4. Click one of the following:
    • Change LogRhythm Entity. Use the Change LogRhythm Entity context menu command to organize your computers into entities or resolve duplicate identifier errors.
      1. Select one or more hosts by selecting the corresponding Action check box.

      2. Right-click the grid, click Actions, and then click Change LogRhythm Entity.
        The Entity Selector dialog box appears.
      3. Select the Entity, and then click OK.
        The Confirm Change Entities dialog box appears.
      4. Click Yes.
    • Add Log Sources. Use the Add Log Sources context menu command to add additional log sources to be collected from one or more computers. Log Sources are not added to checked computers where they already exist or are invalid.
      1. Select one or more hosts by selecting the corresponding Action check box.

      2. Right-click the grid, click Actions, and then click Add Log Sources.
        The Add Log Sources dialog box appears.
      3. Select the Log Sources to add and change the properties, if needed, by clicking Properties.

      4. Click OK.
        The Confirm Add Log Sources dialog box appears.
      5. Click Yes.
    • Reject. This moves the computer to the rejected tab so that you do not see it in the new tab on future scans.
      1. Select one or more hosts by selecting the corresponding Action check box.

      2. Right-click the grid, click Actions, then click Reject.
        The Confirm Reject dialog box appears.
      3. Click Yes.
      4. To view the rejected hosts, click the Rejected tab.
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