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Log in to the Client Console

Start the Client Console

To start the LogRhythm Client Console:

  1. On the Start menu, click All Programs, click LogRhythm, and then click LogRhythm Console.
  2. If configured for your deployment, a security banner appears.
  3. If the banner appears, read the message and click OK to access the LogRhythm Client Console.
  4. In the Login dialog box, enter your credentials, and then click OK.
    • If this is an upgrade or existing deployment, the LogRhythm Client Console appears and you are ready to work in LogRhythm.
    • If this is a new deployment, the New Deployment Wizard appears to complete the configuration. Note that all LogRhythm appliances are shipped preloaded with a license and Knowledge Base files. Complete the New Deployment Wizard.

Client Console Display Settings on Windows Server 2012 R2

When the Client Console is running on Windows Server 2012 R2, some tabs and subtabs in certain Client Console windows may not appear if the display settings in the operating system are not set correctly. To avoid these issues, do the following ensure that the magnification for Windows is set to the default value, which is 100%.

  1. Open Control Panel, then click Display.
  2. Ensure that Smaller – 100% is selected, then click Apply.
  3. Log out of Windows and log back in.

Complete the Login Window

After you launch the LogRhythm Client Console, the Login window appears. Use the information in the following table to complete the fields in the Login window.

ServerEnter the host name of the LogRhythm Platform Manager server. If the Platform Manager is on the local system, as it is for XM and PM configuration Appliances, the loopback address ( or localhost can be used.
DatabaseEnter the name of the Platform Manager Database. This is usually the default setting of LogRhythmEMDB.
Login with Windows AccountSelect to use your Active Directory credentials associated with your Windows account.
User IDEnter the user name that was created by adding a Login to a Person Record. By default, LogRhythmAdmin and LogRhythmAnalyst users are created at install.
PasswordEnter the password for the User ID.
Encrypt all
Check to encrypt communications between the Client Console and the Platform Manager and Data Processors. Be aware that the Client Console can encounter a noticeable decline in performance while this setting is enabled due to the encryption overhead.
Login automatically next time

Select to use the same information on the next login without showing the Login window.

To disable the automatic login, go to the My LogRhythm menu, click My Preferences, click the General tab, and then click Disable in the Auto Login section.

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