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Create a List in the Web Console

To create a new list:

  1. On the top navigation bar, click the Administration icon, and then click Lists
  2. At the top of the page, click New List.
  3. Go to the Basics Configuration tab and do the following:
    1. Type a name for the list in the Name field.
    2. Select a list type from the List Type dropdown list.

      If you select the General Value type, the Use Context field appears. Select at least one Use Context option.

      After the name and list type are added, you can no longer edit the list type. The list saves only after the name and list type are added.

    3. (Optional) Type a description for the list in the Description field.
  4. Click the Permissions tab and do the following:
    1. From the Read Access list, select the appropriate permission.
    2. From the Write Access list, select the appropriate permission.
    3. In the Owner field, the owner name automatically populates.
    4. From the Entity list, select the appropriate entity.

You cannot delete or import lists in the Web Console. This can only be done in the Client Console. However, if lists are imported into the Client Console, you can view them in the Web Console, but you cannot edit or delete them. You cannot create an expiring list in the Web Console. This can only be done in the Client Console.

For more information, see Lists in the Client Console.

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