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Add Case Associations

To associate one case with another:

  1. In either the Current Case panel or the Case Details view, open a case that you want to associate with another case. 
    For details on opening the Case Details view, see Open the Case Details View. For details on opening the Current Case panel, see Work with the Current Case Panel.
  2. In the Associated Cases section, search for the other case and create the association by doing one of the following:
    • To use the Select a Case list:
      1. Click the Select a Case list and use the vertical scroll bar or the typeahead filter as needed to find the case. 
        Cases are listed by their ID numbers and names (for example, 240: Lorem Ipsum). In the typeahead filter, you can search for a case by entering all or part of its name or case ID.
      2. When you find the case you are looking for, click it to create the association.
    • To use the advanced Select a Case dialog box:
      1. At the right of the Select a Case list, click the Filter icon to open the advanced Select a Case dialog box.
      2. Use the filters as needed to help you find a case. For more information, see Filter Cases.
      3. When you find the case you are looking for, click to select it, and then click Associate Case at the bottom of the dialog box.

        Any filters that you use in the advanced Select a Case dialog box are also applied to the simple Select a Case menu for future searches. The filters remain in place until they are removed from the advanced dialog box. Whenever filters are applied, a blue counter displayed to the right of the Select a Case list indicates how many of them are in place.

After the case association has been created, the Associated Cases sections are updated accordingly for both cases.

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