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Configure Case Trend Widget Settings

You can reconfigure Case Trend widgets by changing their time ranges and/or filtering the types of cases that they display. You can also change their titles to give them more meaning. The following instructions can be applied to both Case Trend by Priority widgets and Case Trend by Status widgets.

To configure Case Trend widgets:

  1. On the navigation bar, click Cases
  2. Hover your mouse over the Case Trend widget and click the Settings icon. 
    A blue border appears around the widget and the Inspector panel opens on the right.
  3. In the Inspector panel, do any of the following:
    • Click in the Title field and type a new title.
    • In the Priorities section, select the check boxes for the priority levels that you want visible, and/or clear the check boxes for priority levels that you want hidden.
      Selected check boxes have glowing blue text. Cleared check boxes have plain light-gray text.
    • In the Status section there is a Quick Select field and a status tree. When a box is selected, it is shown in blue.
      • To instantly select cases that are Open or Closed, click the corresponding button.
        • When Open is clicked, Created, Incident, and Mitigated are selected in the status tree.
        • When Closed is clicked, Completed and Resolved are selected in the status tree.
      • To select or clear filter options in the status tree, select or clear the corresponding check box for that status.

        When a check box is selected or cleared in the status tree, all check boxes that are downstream are also selected or cleared, respectively. You can individually select or clear the Completed and Resolved check boxes because they do not have any additional statuses downstream.

      • Click in the Tags field and select any tags you want to use to filter the cases that are shown in the widget. You can select tags from the tag library by scrolling through the library or by typing in the field. You can remove tags from the Tags field if you no longer want to use them to filter cases. The widget shows any cases that contain one or more of the tags in this field.
      • In the Time Range field, click the list and select a time range. 
      • In the Prior To field, click either Now or Selected Date for the time range. 
        If you clicked "Selected Date," a calendar picker appears. Click to select a date in it. You can scroll through the months as needed by using the left (<) and right (>) angle brackets.
  4. Click the Save icon on the upper-right side of the page to save the modified widget to your dashboard layout.
  5. (Optional) Click the arrow to collapse the Inspector panel.
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