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Skip table of contents Release Notes - 12 August 2024

This guide describes an issue that was fixed in LogRhythm 7.17, as well as the upgrade procedure from 7.17.0 to

The updated components provided in were added to the 7.17.0 GA release downloads on August 12, 2024. If you upgraded using 7.17.0 GA software downloaded after August 12, you do not need to apply this patch. 

Resolved Issues

Bug #




Data Processor: Parsing

An issue with certain fields being parsed incorrectly has been resolved.

Download the Upgrade Components

The release includes an updated Mediator installer. The new installer can be downloaded from the LogRhythm Community.

  1. Log in to the Community.

  2. On the main menu bar, click Documentation & Downloads, and then click SIEM.

  3. Click NextGen SIEM, and then click 7.17.0 GA Downloads.

  4. Under 7.17.0 GA Downloads, download the LogRhythm Install Wizard.

Upgrade the Mediator

To run the Mediator installer in order to update the LogRhythm Mediator service:

  1. Open the Install Wizard directory, and then click the Installers folder.

  2. Right-click the LRMediator_64_7.17.0.xxxx.exe file.

  3. Click Run as administrator.
    The LogRhythm Mediator Server Service install wizard appears.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Click Next again.
    The License Agreement appears.

  6. Select the check box to accept the terms in the license agreement, and then click Next.

  7. Verify the destination folder for the Mediator, and then click Next.

  8. Click Install.

  9. When the installer is finished, verify that the Mediator service is running as expected. 

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