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Assign Collaborators to a Case

To assign collaborators to a case:

  1. Open the case details view of the relevant case. For details on opening the Case Details view, see Open the Case Details View.

  2. In the Collaborators panel on the right, click in the Add Collaborator field towards the bottom. 
    A list box of available individual users and groups appears above the Add Collaborator field. Groups appear at the top of the list, followed by individual users.

    Notification groups are created in the Client Console.

  3. Click a user or a group from the list.
    To narrow the list, start typing the name of the user or group that you are seeking. If you are typing the name of a group, do not include "group:".
  4. After you have selected a user or group, click Plus to the right of the Add Collaborator field. The user/group is added to the list of case collaborators.

To add yourself to a case:

Only Global Administrators, Global Analysts, or Restricted Administrators with elevated privileges can add themselves to a case.

  1. Open the case details view of the relevant case. For details on opening the Case Details view, see Open the Case Details View.

  2. In the Collaborators panel on the right, click Add Myself to this Case near the bottom of the panel.
    Your user name is added to the Collaborators list.
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