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Add Comments to Alarms

When working on alarms, you can add information that you want to share with other users. For example, if you close an alarm, you might want to describe the steps you took to resolve the issue. You can add comments to a single alarm or batch comments to multiple alarms.

  1. On the top navigation bar, click Alarms.
    • To add a comment to a single alarm, do one of the following:
      • In the Alarm card view:
        1. Click anywhere in an Alarm card to select it. A glowing blue border appears around the Alarm card. 
          If an alarm has any existing comments, the Alarm card displays a Comment icon and the number of comments that have been added. 
          If an alarm has already had one or more comments added to it, click the Comment icon to view the existing comments in the Inspector panel or add a new comment.
        2. Click the Inspector tab to expand the Inspector panel, if necessary.
        3. In the Comments section of the Inspector panel, click in the Enter Comment text field and type your comment.
        4. On the right of the Comment field, click the Comment icon to add the comment to the alarm. You can also press Enter.
      • In the Alarm grid view:
        1. Click anywhere in a row to select an alarm.
        2. Click the Inspector tab to expand the Inspector panel, if necessary.
        3. In the Comments section of the Inspector panel, click in the Enter Comment text field and type your comment.
        4. On the right of the Comment field, click the Comment icon to add the comment to the alarm. You can also press Enter.
    • To add a batch comment to multiple alarms, do one of the following:
      • In the Alarm card view:
        1. Do one of the following:
          • Select the check box for each alarm that you want to update, and then click the Comment icon in the bulk update menu to select the alarms. Only 100 alarms can be included in a batch comment. 
            The borders on selected Alarm cards glow in blue. The last Alarm card that you selected glows more brightly than the other cards that were selected.
          • Press and hold either the Ctrl or Shift keys as you click anywhere in Alarm cards to select up to 100 alarms to include. When clicking to select multiple alarms, press and hold the Shift key to select a consecutive block of alarms; press and hold the Ctrl key to select non-consecutive alarms.
            The borders on selected Alarm cards glow in blue. The first Alarm card that you selected glows more brightly the other cards that were selected.
        2. When you are finished selecting alarms, click the Inspector tab on the upper-right side of the page, if necessary.
          The Inspector panel expands. The Inspector panel displays the number of alarms selected and a text field for typing your comment.
        3. Click in the Enter Comment text field and type your comment.
        4. On the right of the Comment field, click the Comment icon to add the comment to the alarm. You can also press Enter.
      • In the Alarm grid view:

        1. Do one of the following:

          • Select the check box in the Actions column for each alarm that you want to update. Only 100 alarms can be included in a batch comment.

          • Press and hold either the Ctrl or Shift keys as you click anywhere in the rows to select up to 100 alarms to include. When clicking to select multiple alarms, press and hold the Shift key to select a consecutive block of alarms; press and hold the Ctrl key to select non-consecutive alarms. The selected rows are filled light blue.

        2. When you are finished selecting alarms, click the Inspector tab on the upper-right side of the page to expand the Inspector panel, if necessary. You can also click the Comment  icon in the selection bar. 
          The Inspector panel expands. The Inspector panel displays the number of alarms selected and a text field for typing your comment.

        3. Click in the Enter Comment text field and type your comment.

        4. On the right of the Comment field, click the Comment icon to add the comment to the alarm. You can also press Enter.

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