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Performance Counters—LR Mediator, Log Distribution Services

  • Service name. LogRhythm Mediator Server Service (scmedsvr)
  • Runs on. Data Processor
  • Performance Object. LDS
  • Platform Manager database. EMDB
Performance Counter

# Active Distribution Engines

The number of LDS engines currently distributing logs.

  1. LDS Messages Prepared / Sec
The number of LDS messages prepared per second.

# Loaded LDS Policies

The number of user-created LDS Policies definitions that have been loaded.

# Loaded LDS Receivers

The number of user-created LDS Receivers definitions that have been loaded.

# Logs Dropped

The number of log messages that could not be queued for processing by the LDS engine due to a full queue.

# Logs in Unprocessed Queue

The number of log messages that have been processed by the MPE, but have not yet been processed by the LDS.

# Logs ProcessedThe number of log messages that have been processed by the LDS engine.
# Logs Processed / SecThe rate at which the log messages are being processed by the LDS engine.
# Logs Queued for DistributionThe number of outgoing messages that have been added to an LDS Distribution queue. Each log message may be selected by multiple policies and/or sent to multiple receivers.
# Processing ErrorsThe number of LDS Engine processing errors that have occurred.

# Total Active LDS Receivers

The number of active LDS Receivers.
# Total LDS Log Messages Accepted for PreparationThe number of LDS Log Messages accepted for preparation.
# Total LDS Log Message Preparation ProcessedThe number of LDS Log Message preparation processed.
# Total LDS Message Preparation ThreadsThe number of threads being applied to preparing messages for LDS Receivers.
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