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Work With Investigation Result Graphs

  1. Create a new Investigation with Platform Manager or Data Processor as the search type.
  2. When the results appear, do any of the following:
    • To isolate and display specific information, move the pointer over a point on a graph, or a band, bar, or section of a chart such as one hour of a day, one day of a week, or one section of a pie chart.

    • To drill down on a portion of a line graph, click and drag to select the area you want, then double-click it or press Enter. Data in all tabs now reflect only the selected area. The drill down time range may differ slightly from the selected area. If there is no data at the exact beginning or end of your selection, the drill down time range starts and ends with the first and last data points.

      To cancel a selection before you drill down, press the Escape key. To return to the original graph after you drill down, click the Previous Filter arrow.

    • To move a chart, graph, or list in the Investigation Results window, drag the title bar to the location you want. A faint gray outline appears in the area where it will be placed.
    • To resize a chart, graph or list, drag the border to the size you want.
    • To maximize a chart, graph or list, double-click the title bar.
    • To close a chart, graph or list, click the X button.
    • To pin a chart, graph or list so that it remains visible, click the Pin icon so that it appears that the pin is pointing toward the screen.
    • To unpin a chart, graph, or list so it auto hides when the mouse is not over it, click the Pin icon until it points left.
    • To change which charts, graphs, or lists appear:
      • Click the Properties button. 
        The Investigator Properties form appears.
      • Select the charts and graphs you want to display.
      • Click OK.
      • Position the charts graphs or lists where you want them.
    • To display a different statistics subtab on a statistics tab

      1. Right-click anywhere in the left pane of the main window.

      2. The currently selected tab appears in the Select Field field.

      3. Click the Select Field down arrow.

      4. Select an option.
        The new tab and graph appear immediately. This is a persistent view that remains until you change it, even after you close and reopen a session.

    • To disable and enable statistics subtab on a statistics tab:

      1. Right-click anywhere in the left pane.

      2. Clear any of the subtab names to remove them from the graph display.

      3. Select a subtab name to return it to the graph display.

    • To drill down on a single item in a statistics tab, double-click the cell in the first column of the pane on the left.

    • To select multiple items to display in the graphic on a statistics tab

      1. Use the Control or Shift keys to select multiple items in the left pane.

      2. Right-click the selection, and then click Drill Down.
        The graphic displays only the selected items, and you can continue to drill down on that data.

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