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Log-Derived Data

Derived data is generated based on information about the parser (for example, Common Event), on post processing information parsed out of the log (for example, Duration), or contextual information linking the log data to an entity or host (for example, Priority). The following fields are Log-Derived data where the value of the field is not part of the original log. 

Display FieldDescriptionAssociated Data Sources
Application Tab
ApplicationApplication derived by IANA protocol and port number or directly assigned in MPE processing settings. 

Protocol Number
Protocol Name

Origin/Impacted Port
Known ApplicationApplication derived from IANA protocol and port number. If a known application cannot be derived, it is displayed as unknown. 

Protocol Name
Protocol Number

Origin/Impacted Port
DurationDuration is a polyfield for capturing time derived.

Time Start
Time End

Classification Tab

Value is determined based on the MPE Rule’s assigned Common Event.

Classification choice is a secondary effect of choosing the correct common event for a rule. Each common event has a classification and the classification is automatically associated to the log via the common event selection.
Common EventValue is determined based on the MPE Rule’s assigned Common Event. Assigned
PriorityValue is determined based on the Risk-Based Priority (RBP) calculation.Risk-Based Priority
DirectionIndicates the directional flow of data between the Origin Host and the Impacted Host — Inbound, Outbound, Internal, External, or Unknown. Origin/Impacted Host
MPE Rule NameName of rule that matched, assigned on rule creation.Assigned
Host Tab
Host (Origin)Origin host derived from Origin IP Address, Origin Hostname, or both.IP Address (Origin)
Hostname (Origin)
Host (Impacted)Impacted host derived from Impacted IP Address, Impacted Hostname, or both.IP Address (Impacted)
Hostname (Impacted)
Known Host (Origin)A value determined by mapping parsed origin host identifiers, such as IP address or hostname, to a LogRhythm host record.IP Address (Origin)
Hostname (Origin)
LogRhythm Host Record
Known Host (Impacted)A value determined by mapping parsed impacted host identifiers, such as IP address or hostname, to a LogRhythm host record.

IP Address (Impacted)
Hostname (Impacted)
LogRhythm Host Record

Location Tab
Entity (Origin)A value determined based on the origin host's assigned entity.IP Address (Origin)
Hostname (Origin)
Entity (Impacted)A value determined based on the impacted host's assigned entity.IP Address (Impacted)
Hostname (Impacted)
Zone (Origin)A value determined based on the zone of the origin host – Internal, External, DMZ, or Unknown.IP Address (Origin)
Zone (Impacted)A value determined based on the zone of the impacted host – Internal, External, DMZ, or Unknown.IP Address (Impacted)
Location (Origin)A value determined by resolving the parsed origin IP address against a Geo-IP database. IP Address (Origin)
Location (Impacted)A value determined by resolving the parsed impacted IP address against a Geo-IP database. IP Address (Impacted)
Country (Origin)The country in which the determined origin location exists. IP Address (Origin)
Country (Impacted)

The country in which the determined impacte location exists.

IP Address (Impacted)
Log Tab
Log Date/Normal DateTimestamp when the log was generated or received, corrected to UTC.Agent
Log CountThe number of identical log messages received.Agent
Log Source EntityThe entity to which the log source belongs.Agent
Log Source TypeThe device or application from which a log was received.Agent
Log Source HostThe origin host from which the log was received.Agent
Log SourceThe assigned name of a log source.Agent
Log Sequence NumberThe sequence in which a log was collected, generated by the Agent.Agent
Log MessageThe raw log message.Agent
First Log DateTimestamp when the first identical log message was received.Agent
Last Log DateTimestamp when the last identical log message was received.Agent
Network Tab
Network (Origin)A value determined by mapping the origin IP address to a LogRhythm network record.IP Address (Origin)
LogRhythm Network Record
Network (Impacted)A value determined by mapping the impacted IP address to a LogRhythm network record.

IP Address (Impacted)
LogRhythm Network Record

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