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Performance Counters—LR Mediator, Stats

  • Service name. LogRhythm Mediator Server Service (scmedsvr)
  • Runs on. Data Processor
  • Performance Object. LogRhythm Mediator Server
Performance Counter

# Agent Connections

The number of current Agent connections to the scmedsvr service/Data Processor.

# Connected Message Sources

The total number of message sources currently connected to the scmedsvr service/Data Processor.

# Disabled Rules

The total number of log message processing rules that have been disabled due to poor performance.

The rules were disabled due to failure to meet the minimum processing requirements as dictated by the following configuration parameters: RulePerfLogSampleSize and RulePerfMinLogsPerSecond. These parameters are located in the Data Processor Advanced Properties.

# Event Insert DB RetriesThe number of DB retries inserting events.
# Logs Archived

The total number of logs that have been written to the archives.

# Logs ForwardedThe total number of logs forwarded as events by the MPE.
# Logs IdentifiedThe total number of logs that have matched to a MPE rule.

# Logs Not Processed

The total number of received logs not yet processed by the MPE since the Mediator Server service was last started.

# Logs Processed

The total number of logs that the MPE has processed since the Mediator Server service was last started.

# Logs Received

The total number of logs received from agents since the Mediator Server service was last started.

# Unprocessed Archive LogsThe total number of unprocessed logs to be archived.

% Logs

The percentage of processed logs that have been forwarded to the Platform Manager as events.

% Logs IdentifiedThe percent of logs that have matched a MPE rule.

% Time in Maintenance

The percentage of time the MPE has spent performing internal maintenance in relation to the total processing cycle.

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