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Modify the Properties of Lists

After a list is created, it can be modified by users who have permission to do so. The Basic Configuration tab is not shown if the user does not have read access to the List. Note the following important recommendations and conditions regarding list properties:

  • LogRhythm recommends that only Global Administrators edit Identity lists. Other users may run into problems related to inconsistent permissioning.
  • If you rename a list, the old name persists in every AI Engine rule, Investigation, and Report the list has been added to. To view the list with the updated name, you must delete and add it again.
  • If you update the log sources in a Log Source Type list, the previous effective log sources for users who were granted access rights to those log sources through the list persist. To apply the changes, the list must be removed on the Log Sources Access Rights tab and then added again after you make all changes. For more information, see Modify User Profile Effective Log Sources Settings.
  1. On the main toolbar, click List Manager.
  2. Double-click an existing list.

    The List Properties window opens.

  3. Change the basic configuration, add items, add lists, update additional settings, and import new items as needed.

    The Basic Configuration tab is not shown if the user does not have read access to the List.

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