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Work with Hosts and Agents in Windows Host Wizard

After the hosts appear, you can select and take action on one or multiple hosts at a time. The selections and actions can all be performed through the context menu. Use sorting, filtering, and grouping in conjunction with the check/uncheck displayed context menu commands to check the action column for the computers you want to add to your deployment. Examine the IP address, agent version, unregistered log sources, and errors to uncheck the action column for those computers which should not be added to the deployment.

  1. On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Administration, and then click Windows Host Wizard.
  3. Do one or more of the following:
    • Create a local System Monitor Agent.  Register local agents and unregistered log sources where not already registered.
      1. Select the Action check box for one or more hosts.

      2. Right-click in the grid, then click Actions, click Accept, and then click Create Local System Monitor Agent.
        The Confirm Create dialog box appears.
      3. Click Yes.
      4. To view the agent, click the Active tab.
    • Assign Remote System Monitor. Use the selected system monitor agent to collect new log sources that are not already assigned to the agent.
      1. Select the Action check box for one or more hosts.

      2. Right-click the grid, then click Actions, click Accept, and then click Assign Remote System Monitor Agent.
        The Select Collection System Monitor Agent dialog box appears.
      3. From the New or Existing System Monitor Agents tab, select the name of the agent that will collect the new log sources that have not already been assigned to an agent.
      4. Click OK.
        The Confirm Assignment dialog box appears.
      5. Click Yes.
      6. To view the agent, click the Active tab.
    • Delete a Host.
      1. Click the Rejected tab.
      2. Select the Action check box of one or more hosts.

      3. Right-click the grid to show the context menu.
      4. Click Actions, and then click Delete.
        The Confirm Delete dialog box appears.
      5. Click Yes.
  4. Review the hosts, system monitor agents, and log sources that will be created in the deployment for accuracy. The following tabs display the records that will be added to the deployment. You can also access these tabs by using the Next and Back buttons:

    • New Hosts. Lists the new hosts that will be added to the deployment. A read-only preview of records that will be created if the wizard changes are accepted.

    • New System Monitor Agents. Lists the new system monitor agents that will be added to the deployment. A read-only preview of records that will be created if the wizard changes are accepted.

    • New Log Sources. Lists the new log sources that will be added to the deployment.

  5. When you are completed with the configurations that have been applied in previous steps, you can commit the changes. To save the changes within the deployment and clear out the New tabs, click Apply. 
    The Active Directory Computers tab appears where you can make additional configurations.

    This must be done for the changes to be saved to the deployment.

  6. To save the changes and close the wizard, click OK.
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