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Configure the Start-Up Warning

The LogRhythm Client Console can be configured to display a warning when it is started. The title and the message are both customizable. Follow the instructions below to customize the start-up warning and to turn it on or off.

  1. Using a text editor, Open the Security.xml file.
  2. To change the title of the warning, edit the text between the <Title> and </Title> tags.
  3. To change the warning message, edit the text between the <Text> and </Text> tags.
  4. To turn the start-up warning on or off, do one of the following:
    • Turn on the start-up warning by setting the value between the <IgnoreSecuritywarning> and </IgnoreSecuritywarning> tags to false.
    • Turn off the start-up warning by setting the value between the <IgnoreSecuritywarning> and </IgnoreSecuritywarning> tags to true.
  5. After completing the changes, save the file.
  6. To apply these changes, restart the LogRhythm Client Console.
    When users log in, they see a warning.
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