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Add Hosts From Clipboard

Only Global Admins or Restricted Admins with elevated View and Manage privileges can take this action.

  1. Copy the host identifiers (IP or name) you want to import, using the following guidelines:
    • Every line up to the first space is considered a unique host entry.

    • LogRhythm does not support hostnames that include spaces. All other characters on the same line following the first space are ignored.

    • Each host entry is analyzed to determine its identifier type:

      • IP Address (via standard IPv4/v6 regex pattern)

      • Windows Name (not IP and starts with “\\”). This allows you to copy Net View output.

      • Domain Name (all other values)

  2. On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.
  3. Select the Entities tab.
  4. Select the Entity to which you want to import hosts.
  5. Right-click the selection, and then click Add Hosts from Clipboard.
    The Host Import Manager appears.
  6. From the Host Import Manager

    1. Review the records in the grid that were pasted.

    2. To accept or reject records, select the Action check box, click Action, and then click one of the following:

      1. Accept All. Accepts all hosts in the grid and creates or updates a record for each.

      2. Accept All New Hosts. Accepts all hosts that have a status of New Host and creates a record for each.

      3. Accepted Selected. Accepts all hosts that have the Action check box selected and creates or updates a record for each.

      4. Reject Selected. Rejects all hosts that have the Action check box selected. This removes them from the grid.

    3. If any records have a status value of Warning Type 4, choose the Warning Type 4 Acceptance Mode for that record and then accept as specified above. The following modes are available:

      • Enable Existing (default). If the host exists within the root or child entity already, enable it and leave it within the entity where it currently resides.
      • Enable Existing and Move to Specified Entity. If the host exists within the root or child entity already, enable it. If it doesn’t exist within the specified entity, move it to the specified entity.
      • Create New (not recommended). Create a new record regardless of whether it exists in the root or child entity (not recommended).
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