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Read Case Trend by Priority Charts

Case Trend by Priority charts display case distribution trends as they relate to case creation dates and their current priority levels. Priority levels range from P1 to P5, with P1 cases being the highest priorities and P5 the lowest. Case priority levels should also be considered in conjunction with whether or not they have been flagged as Incidents.

In Case Trend by Priority charts, the horizontal axis plots the range of creation dates while the vertical axis measures the total number of cases created. Color-coded stacked bars are used to break down the current priority levels of both Incident and non-Incident cases.

Case Trend by Priority charts include interactive features that allow you to do the following:

  • To view the count values within a stacked bar, hover your cursor over the different color stacks to display them. The tooltip displays the number of cases for the highlighted segment, as well as a breakdown of the number of cases that are incidents or non-incidents.
  • To focus the chart on a single priority, hover your cursor over a priority in the chart key. The tooltip displays the total number of cases assigned that priority. 
    Depending on a chart's width (as defined by the number of dashboard columns that it spans) and the scope of its time range, data bars may represent a group of consecutive dates as opposed to the single dates listed along the horizontal axis. For instance, group dates are standard for one- and two-column charts with time ranges greater than 10 days.
  • To determine the exact date span that each bar represents, hover your cursor over the dates along the horizontal axis to display the information.
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