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Resize Widgets

To resize a widget:

  1. Hover your mouse over the widget that you want to resize and look for the resizing handle on the lower right.
    • Mouse action. Hover your mouse over the lower-right corner of a widget until the cursor turns into a two-directional diagonal arrow. Press and hold the left mouse button over the widget to grab it.
    • Touch action. Press and hold (long press) the widget's resizing handle until the cursor turns into a two-directional diagonal arrow.
  2. Do either of the following:
    • To increase the size of the widget, drag the handle down and/or to the right for each square that you want to add to its size and coverage. 
      If you enlarge the widget onto a square already occupied by another widget, the latter widget along with all the widgets positioned after it automatically shift into the next adjacent square(s).
    • To decrease the size of a widget, drag the handle up and/or to the left for each square that you want to subtract from its size and coverage. 
      As you reduce the size of a widget, the widgets positioned after it automatically shift to fill in the empty square(s).
  3. When you are satisfied with the size of the widget, release your mouse button (or long press).
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