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Assign Active Directory Credentials to Local Users

Only Global Admins or Restricted Admins with elevated View and Manage privileges can take this action.

Users that are set up as local users can be configured to use Active Directory credentials.

Have the user's Active Directory credentials available before starting these instructions.
  1. On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.
  2. Click the People tab.
  3. Right-click a user that has not been associated with Active Directory through the LogRhythm Client Console, and then click User Account Properties.
    The Edit LogRhythm User dialog box appears.

    If a user is not associated with their Active Directory credentials, the AD Group column in the People tab is blank.
  4. Clear the Login Enabled check box, and then click Apply.
  5. To close the Edit LogRhythm User dialog box, click OK.
  6. Right-click the user name again, and then click User Account Properties.
  7. In the upper-right corner of the dialog box, click the ellipsis [...] button.
    The Domain Credentials dialog box appears.
  8. Complete the following fields:
    • User name. Enter the user's Active Directory user name.
    • Password. Enter the user's Active Directory password.
  9. To close the Domain Credentials dialog box, click OK.
  10. To save the configuration information, click Apply.
  11. To close the Edit LogRhythm User dialog box, click OK.
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