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Use the Time Frame Filter

To filter alarms by time frame:

  1. On the top navigation bar, click Alarms.
  2. Open the Time Frame filter in one of the following ways:
    • In the Alarm card view, click the Time Frame filter (the first filter on the left side of the filter bar).
    • In the Alarm grid view, click the field underneath the Trigger Time column header in the grid.

      The default time frame is "In the last 24 hours." When a different time frame is applied, the text on the Time Frame filter changes to reflect the new value.

  3. In the date picker, do one of the following:

    • To select a time frame spanning the last 'x' amount of time:

      1. Click the Last tab (if necessary).

      2. In the Last text field, type a number value.

      3. Click the list to the right of the text field and select one of the following: monthsdayshours, or minutes.

      4. Click Select.
        The Alarms page refreshes to reflect the new time frame filter.

    • To select a time frame that spans from 'x' to 'y':
      1. Click the From ... To tab.
      2. In the Select a date range list, click to select one of the following: BetweenBefore, or After.
      3. Depending on your selection in the previous step, complete one of the following sets of sub-steps:
        • If you selected "Between":
          • Click a date in one of the calendars to select a "From" date or type a date in the "From" text field.
          • Click a date in one of the calendars to select a "To" date or type a date in the "To" text field.
          • (Optional) To include a time of day for your "From" and/or "To" dates, click to select times from the scrolling menus directly above the "From" and "To" time text fields, or type them into the fields.
          • Click Select to activate the Time Frame filter.
            The Alarms page refreshes to reflect the new time frame filter.
        • If you selected "Before" or "After":
          • Click a date on the calendar or type a date in the text field directly below the calendar.
          • (Optional) If you want to include a time of day for your Before or After date, click to select a time from the scrolling menu above the time text field or type a time into the field.
          • Click Select to activate the Time Frame filter. 
            The Alarms page refreshes to reflect the new time frame filter.
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