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Add Custom Logos to Reports

Only Global Admins and Restricted Admins with elevated View and Manage privileges can take this action.

You can customize LogRhythm reports by including your company logo and creating report templates for Log Detail and Log Summary reports.

  1. Ensure you meet the following prerequisites:
    • Write access to the Client Console config directory.

    • A standard graphics file type logo. The recommended specifications for the graphic are:

      • Max Width - 500 pixels; Max Height - 125 pixels

      • Horizontal and Vertical Resolution - 96 dpi

      If the graphic has different dimensions, LogRhythm may have to resize it. In that case, the results may be different from expected.
  2. On the main toolbar, click Report Center.
  3. On the File menu, click Options.
    The Report Options window appears.
  4. Click Custom.

  5. Browse to the location of your logo graphic file.

    Some PNG images with transparency do not appear correctly in generated reports. To avoid any issues, you should not use any custom images that contain transparency.

    The following are acceptable file types: BMP, JPG, TIF, and PNG

  6. Select the file you want and click Open.

  7. Click OK.

When you create a report, your custom logo appears on the cover page and in the header of each subsequent page.

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