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Apply Recommended Data Processor Values

Only Global Admins or Restricted Admins with elevated View and Manage privileges can take this action.

LogRhythm has recommended configurations for each appliance. The recommended configurations can be applied automatically from the Data Processor Advanced Properties window.

To apply the recommended settings to the Data Processor:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.
  2. Click the Data Processors tab.
  3. Double-click the Data Processor for which you want to change properties.
    The Data Processor Properties dialog box appears.

  4. In the lower-left corner, click Advanced.
    The Data Processor Advanced Properties window appears.
    Rows highlighted orange indicate any properties that are not currently using the recommended value.

  5. Click Apply Recommended Values.
    The Overwrite Settings warning appears.

  6. To confirm, click Yes.
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