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Edit and Delete Notes in Case Evidence

Collaborators can edit/delete only the notes that they have attached to a case. Case owners can edit/delete their own notes as well those added by other users.

When notes in the Evidence section are edited or deleted, a record of the activity, including the deletion date and the user responsible, is added to the History section. Any previous records related to the notes are also preserved.

To edit or delete notes:

  1. Either on the left side of the dashboard layout, click the Current Case tab or on the navigation bar, click Cases
  2. In the Evidence section, hover your cursor over the note that you want to edit or delete, then click the Configuration icon. 
    The Edit and Delete icons appear to the left of the Configuration icon.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • To edit the note, click the Edit icon.
      1. In the Add Note to Case dialog box, edit the text as needed.
      2. Click Save.
    • To delete the note, click the Delete icon.
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