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Drill into Log Data Associated with an Alarm

To investigate what activity triggered alarms and review their impact on your network, you can drill into selected alarm data. All associated data is available for further analysis on the Analyze page.

If you drill into an alarm that is in a New state, the alarm status is automatically set to Open. If the alarm is in a Closed or Open state, the status does not change during drill down.

To drill into selected alarm data:

  1. On the navigation bar, click Alarms.
  2. Select one or more Alarms as follows:
    • To drill into a single Alarm:
      • In the Alarm card view, click the Drilldown icon on the upper-right side of the Alarm card.
      • In the Alarm grid view, click the Drilldown icon in the Actions column. 
        When the search is finished, click the Complete: All Results or Complete: Max Results link in the taskbar. The Analyze page opens with charts and grids that display more information about the associated alarm data.
    • To select multiple Alarms:

      1. In the Alarm card view on the alarm filter bar a. Select the alarms you want to drill into by doing one of the following:

        • Select the individual check boxes on Alarm cards of alarms you want to analyze. You can select up to 100 alarms for a batch action.

        • Select Check Visible, located toward the upper-left side of the page, underneath the Alarm Trend graph. If more than 100 alarms are visible, you will have to clear alarms so that only 100 are selected. 
          A bulk action bar appears at the top of the Alarm cards that shows how many alarms out of those cached you selected.

      2. Click the Drilldown icon at the right of the bulk action bar.

    • In the Alarm grid view:

      1. Select the alarms you want to drill into by doing one of the following:

        • Select the individual check boxes on the rows of alarms you want to analyze. 

        • Select Check All at the upper-left side of the grid to select the first 100 alarms that meet the active filter criteria. 
          A bulk action bar appears at the top of the Alarm grid that shows how many alarms out of those cached you selected.

      2. Click the Drilldown icon at the right of the bulk action bar. 

When the search is finished, click the Completed: All Results link in the taskbar. The Analyze page opens with charts and grids that display more information about the associated alarm data.

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