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Resolve Known Networks

 To resolve a Known Network, a search is conducted for networks assigned to the Log Source Host Entity in the following order until the search is resolved.

  1. If the Log Source Host Entity is a child entity:
    1. Search for networks within the Log Source Host Root Entity.
    2. Search for networks within other child Entities within the Log Source Host Root Entity.
  2. If the Log Source Host Entity is a root Entity, search for networks within any child Entities within Log Source Host Entity. This must resolve to a single network. If the search returns more than one network, it goes to Step 5.
  3. If there is a public IP Address, search other Root Entities, but not their child Entities. This must resolve to a single Host. If the search returns more than one Host, it goes to Step 5.
  4. Search for network within the Global Entity.
  5. Known network is not resolved.

Origin and Impacted Network are not saved to the database. The values are determined at run-time.

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