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Import Computers for Log Collection

Only Global Admins or Restricted Admins with elevated View and Manage privileges can take this action.

If you do not want to scan a domain for computers, you can import a list of computers via manual entry, from a text file, or from the clipboard.

Ensure that the list of computers to import is formatted as follows: Computer Name, Operating System, LogRhythm Entity ID, IP Address, DNS Name, LogRhythm Host Name, User Defined Tag.

Only the computer name is required. Defaults are assigned to Operating System and LogRhythm Entity ID, where necessary.

To import computers:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Administration, and then click Windows Host Wizard.
    The Windows Host Wizard appears.

    If you have not configured the initial settings for the wizard, the Settings dialog box appears. Complete the initial setup, then continue with the following steps. For more information, see Configure Initial Settings in Windows Host Wizard.

  3. Click Import Computers.
  4. Select the Default LogRhythm Entity and Default Operating System.
  5. Import the computers:
    1. To create a list of computers, type the computer details in the Data Entry Text box, and then click Import Data Entry Text.
    2. To import text from the clipboard, copy the text to your clipboard, and then click Import Clipboard Text.
    3. To import a file, click Import Text File, locate and select the file, and then click Open.
    The computers appear in the Active Directory Computers tab.
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