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Modify Data Processor Basic Properties

To modify the basic properties of a data processor:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.
  2. Click the Data Processors tab.
  3. Double-click the Data Processor you want to configure.
  4. Find the component you want to configure and adjust the settings in the Value column according to the information in the following table.


    The host where the Data Processor software physically resides.

    To select a different host, click the selector icon to the right of the Host box. Select the host, and then click OK.


    The platform for the Data Processor.

    To select a different platform, click the selector icon to the right of the Platform box. Select the platform, and then click OK.

    Gen6 hardware platforms are available in KB versions greater than 7.1.679.0.

    Data Processor Name

    A unique name for the Data Processor. The name cannot be the same as an existing or previously deleted Data Processor. If you are connecting to an existing host with a Data Processor, the Data Processor field is populated.

    Cluster Name

    If this is the first machine in the cluster, enter a name for the cluster.

    If this is not the first machine in the cluster, select a cluster name from the list.

    Data Processor Pool NameIf the Data Processor is in a DP Pool, select the DP Pool from the list. For more information, see Data Processor Pooling.
    Operating Mode
    • Offline. The Data Processor is unavailable for use.
    • Online Active. The Data Processor is online for active log data collection and analysis. (Default)
    • Online Archive. The Data Processor is online for use in archive restoration and analysis.
    Message Processing Engine Settings
    • Enabled by default: This tells the MPE to actively process logs coming from this Data Processor.
    • Disabled by default: This value is used by the Message Processing Engine to determine whether the MPE should forward messages to the Platform Manager. If checked, the MPE does not forward any events to the Platform Manager, regardless of the MPE Rule configuration. This setting can be used to disable all event forwarding.
    Heartbeat Warning Interval

    The number of seconds that a heartbeat signal from this Agent can be late by, before a Missing Heartbeat Warning event is generated. Warnings continue to be generated, at this interval, until a heartbeat is successfully received. Default: 60

    This property must have a different setting than the AE_HeartbeatMonitorInterval property set in Modify Platform Manager Advanced Properties to prevent unpredictable behaviour.

    License StatusThe current status of licensing for the selected Data Processor.
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