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KBytes and Packets

Web Console Display Name

Lucene Search Syntax
Field Description

Host (Impacted) KBytes Rcvd

Host (Impacted) KBytes Sent

Host (Impacted) KBytes Total




KBytes involved in the impacted host activity:

  • Host (Impacted) KBytes Rcvd is the number of bytes the impacted host received.
  • Host (Impacted) KBytes Sent is the number of bytes the impacted host sent.
  • Host (Impacted) KBytes Total is the sum of KBytes In and KBytes Out.

Host (Impacted) Packets Rcvd

Host (Impacted) Packets Sent

Host (Impacted) Packets Total




Packets involved in the impacted host activity:

  • Host (Impacted) Packets Rcvd is the number of packets the impacted host received.
  • Host (Impacted) Packets Sent is the number of packets the impacted host sent.
  • Host (Impacted) Packets Total is the sum of Packets In and Packets Out.

Bytes Inbound

Bytes Outbound



Total KBytes transferred from a device, system, or process:

  • Bytes Inbound. Total Bytes received.
  • Bytes Outbound. Total Bytes sent.
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