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Work with the Current Case Panel

Use the Current Case panel to collect evidence directly on the Dashboards page, Alarms page, and Analyze page. In the Current Case panel you can also create new cases, view the details of existing cases, and manage the statuses of any cases that you own. The panel includes resizable sections for evidence, associated cases, and history that you can collapse and expand as needed.

  • To open the Current Case panel, on the left side of the dashboard layout, click the Current Case tab or press C on your keyboard.
    The Current Case panel opens on the left side of the page.
  • To view an existing case, click the list above the case card to display a list of cases. The list can be filtered by clicking the Filter icon. 
    If you know the name or ID of the case you that you want to open, enter type of these values into the typeahead filter to narrow the case list.

  • To expand or collapse the Case card, click the arrow to the left of the Current Case list.

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