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Configure Global Maintenance Settings

Only Global Admins or Restricted Admins with elevated View and Manage privileges can take this action.

  1. On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.
  2. Click the Platform Manager tab.
  3. In the System Management Settings section, click Global System Settings. 
    The System Settings window appears.
  4. In the Global Maintenance Settings section, make changes based on the following table, if necessary.

    AIEEngineStat_Retain_DaysThe maximum number of days for Advanced Intelligence Engine statistics to be kept in the LogMart AIEEngineStat table. Min=1, Max=60.

    This is the path where the backup of an Alarm database (AlarmDB) is saved.


    This is the path where the backup of a Case Management (CMDB) database is saved.


    This is the path where the backup of an Platform Manager database (EMDB) is saved.


    This is the path where the backup of an Event database (EventDB) is saved.


    This is the path where the backup of an Log Mart database (LogMartDB) is saved.

    Events_Data_CompressEnables or disables data compression in the Event database.
    Events_Index_CompressEnables or disables index compression in the Event database (Requires Event data compression enabled).
    IndexHintMaxDaysThe maximum number of days for index hints to be kept in the Event and Data Processor index hint table. Min=8; Max=8.
    LookUpTable_Partition_Days_IntervalThe number of days contained in each partition of the Event and Data Processor lookup tables. Min=7; Max=7.

    The number of days the usage audit info is available online before being removed by the maintenance process. This is the time to live value used by the usage audit. Min=30, Max=3660.


    The number of days the event info is available online before being removed by the maintenance process. This is the time to live value used by the events. Min=1, Max=366.


    The number of days the Log Mart info is available online before being removed by the maintenance process. This is the time to live value used by the Log Mart.Min=1, Max=3660.

    TTL_LRQueryAuditLogThe number of days the search audit is available online before being removed by the maintenance process. This is the time to live value used by the search queries. Min = 30, Max = 180.

    The number of days the internal system info is available online before being removed by the maintenance process. Determines how long internal data, such as Agent sessions, is kept. This is the time to live value used by the system internally. Min=30, Max=3660.

  5. Under Identity Inference, select an option for enabling or disabling Identity Inference.

    • Per Data Processor. Configuration is set on a per Data Processor basis.

    • Globally Enabled. Configuration applies to all Data Processors.

    • Globally Disabled. Configuration is disabled for all Data Processors.

  6. Click OK.

    The Globally Disabled the setting can be overwritten in the Data Processor Advanced Properties with the Intelligent Indexing property.

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