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Update the Status of Alarms Associated with a Case

You can update the status of all alarms associated with a case on the Cases page or in the Current Case panel.

  • To update the status of all alarms associated with a case on the Cases page:
    1. On the navigation bar, click Cases
    2. Open the Case details view by clicking on the title of a case.
    3. In the evidence section, click the Change “X” alarms to list and select OpenClosed, or New to update all alarms that are associated with the case.
  • To update the status of all alarms associated with a case from the Current Case panel:
    1. On the left side of the dashboard layout, click the Current Case tab.
    2. Select the appropriate case from the Current Case list.
    3. In the evidence section, click the Change “X” alarms to list and select Open, Closed, or New to update all alarms that are associated with the case.
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