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Modify Virtual Log Sources


Certain virtual log source properties are tied to their parent source and cannot be changed.

You can edit a virtual log source from two different locations. Do either of the following:

  • To edit a virtual log source from the Log Source Virtualization Template Manager:
    1. On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.

    2. On the Tools menu, click Administration, and then click Log Source Virtualization Template Manager.

    3. Click the Virtual Log Source Manager button.

    4. Select the Action check box for the virtual log source to be modified, and then click the Template Item Properties icon.
    5. In the Virtual Log Source Properties dialog box, modify the properties as needed.
    6. To save the changes, click Save.
  • To edit a virtual log source from the System Monitors tab:
    1. On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.

    2. Click the System Monitors tab.

    3. Double-click the Agent that collects the virtual log source that you want to modify.
      The System Monitor Agents Properties window appears.

    4. In the Log Message Sources Collected by this Agent list, locate the virtual log source and double-click it.

      The IsChildSource column indicates whether a log source is virtual.

      The Virtual Log Message Source Properties dialog box appears. The dimmed settings are ties to the parent source and cannot be changed.

    5. Modify the editable properties as needed.
    6. To save your changes, click OK.
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