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Alarm Viewer

The Alarm Viewer lists alarms generated by LogRhythm, tracks alarm history, and updates alarm statuses.

Alarm Viewer Access Control

Global Admin
Global Analyst
Restricted Analyst

All alarms, all associated events

All alarms, all associated events

  • Alarms associated with Analyst
  • Events within Analyst access rights

It is possible for an Alarm to be associated with a Restricted Analyst (RA) and yet not allow the RA to see all associated events. This occurs when a Restricted Analyst has access to a Log Source for configuration purposes, but does not have access to the logs generated by the log source.

Update StatusAllAll

For associated Alarms

Filter by Status

Filter by Alarm Rule

Yes - all

Yes - all

Yes - all

Filter by who was Notified

Yes - all

Yes - all

No - The Restricted Analyst can only view alarms of which they were notified.

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