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Complete the New Deployment Wizard

The first time you log in to the Client Console after an appliance is installed/configured, or after a new software installation, the New Deployment Wizard guides you through the initial configuration steps. The wizard prompts you for information to initialize the Platform Manager (PM) and locate specific files that are loaded into the system to begin the configuration of LogRhythm.

All new deployments should only be completed by LogRhythm authorized staff. Failure to do so could leave your system in an unsupported state.

  1. On the first screen, complete the following:
    • Windows host name for Platform Manager. In this field, enter the host name where the Platform Manager is located. To find the host name:
      1. Search My Computer on your machine, right-click it, and select Properties.
      2. Copy the Full Computer Name up to the first period where the domain name starts.
    • IP Address for the Platform Manager. In this field, enter the IP address where the Platform Manager is located. Appliances are shipped with two Network Interface Cards (NICs). Typically, each NIC serves a purpose: one for Client Console connections and one for database intercommunication. The IP address entered here serves as a Client Console connection interface.

      The default port number used by the Platform Manager is 1433. To configure a different port number, use the following syntax in the IP Address for the Platform Manager field:<IPADDRESS;PORT #>;50 - Separate the IP number and the Port number with a semicolon.
    • The Platform Manager is also a Data Processor (e.g. an XM appliance). Select this check box if the Platform Manager is also a Data Processor. To make this determination:
      • If the appliance type is an XM, the Platform Manager and all other LogRhythm components are contained in a single appliance. Ensure the check box is selected.
      • If the Platform Manager is on a separate Platform Manager appliance, clear the check box.
    • The Platform Manager is also an AI Engine Server. Select this check box if the Platform Manager is also an AI Engine Server. To make this determination:
      • If the AI Engine Server is on the Platform Manager (such as a standalone Platform Manager or an XM), select the check box.
      • If the AI Engine Server is on a separate AI Engine appliance, clear the check box.
    • LogMart DB Server Override. This setting is disabled as the IP address of LogMart machine is always the same as the IP address of the Platform Manager machine.

      This option is to be used only under the supervision of LogRhythm Inc. Professional Services.
    • The Platform Manager is also a Job Manager Server. Select this check box if the Platform Manager is also a Job Manager. To make this determination:
      • If the appliance type is an XM, the Platform Manager and all other LogRhythm components are contained in a single appliance. Ensure the check box is selected.
      • If you installed the Job Manager is on a separate appliance, leave the check box cleared and then complete the following:
        • Windows Host name for Job Manager. In this field, enter the host name where the Platform Manager is located. To find the host name:
          1. Search My Computer on your machine, right-click it, and select Properties.
          2. Copy the Full Computer Name up to the first period where the domain name starts.
        • IP Address for Job Manager. In this field, enter the IP address where the Job Manager is located.
    • LogRhythm License File. Use this field to load the LogRhythm License file provided by LogRhythm Support after the purchase and shipment of the appliance(s).
      1. Click the ellipsis [...] button on the right side of the field.
      2. Locate and select the master license file.
      3. Click Open.
      4. The path and file name appear in the LogRhythm License File text box.

        This file is required to access and configure LogRhythm.
  2. Click OK.
  3. Select LogRhythm Knowledge Base File. Use this field to load the Knowledge Base into the Client Console.
    1. Click the ellipsis [...] button on the right side of the field.
    2. Locate and select the Knowledge Base file.
    3. Click Open.
      The path and file name appear in the Select LogRhythm Knowledge Base File text box.
    4. Click OK.
  4. Select Data Processor Licensing Mode:
    • Software (n available licenses). Select this option to identify a software-only purchase.
    • Appliance (n available licenses). Select this option to identify a software and appliance purchase.
    • Data Processor messages per second (n available licenses). Select this option to use a Messages Per Second license.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select the Log Source Licensing Mode.
    • Limited (n available Licenses). Select this option to assign a limited quantity of log source packs to this Data Processor.
    • Unlimited (n available licenses). Select this option to assign an unlimited log source license.
  7. Click OK.
    The New Knowledge Base Deployment Wizard appears.
  8. Deploy the Knowledge Base by selecting one of the three following options:
    • I have Internet access and want to automatically download the KB (recommended).
      1. Proxy Server Address. Enter the Proxy Server Address for the KB Download.
      2. Proxy Server Port. Enter the port number for the server.
      3. Select the Proxy Server Requires Authentication check box.
      4. Enter the appropriate credentials and host name, if necessary.
      5. Click OK
        The Knowledge Base downloads.
      6. Click OK. Proceed to the I have already manually downloaded the KB. Select this option to manually import the Knowledge Base file section.
    • I do not have Internet access or want to manually download the KB. 
      The Manual Knowledge Base Download message box appears.
      • Perform one of the following:
        • Export Knowledge Base Request File. Select this option to export a Knowledge Base request file and upload it to the LogRhythm Community:
          1. Click OK and download the file to your drive. 
            The Export Successful page appears.
          2. Click OK
            The Knowledge Base Not Loaded page appears.
          3. Click OK
            The Client Console closes.
        • Contact Customer Support. Select this option to obtain the Knowledge Base file from Customer Support:
          1. From a computer with Internet access, access the LogRhythm Community.
          2. Go to the Downloads section to access the latest version of the Knowledge Base.
            The request screen appears.
          3. Choose from the following:
            • Upload the Request File downloaded from the Client Console.
            • Enter the License ID, the Deployment ID, and the Product Version in the appropriate fields.
          4. Click Get Knowledge Base.
          5. Save the Knowledge Base file and transfer it to the computer on which you are loading the Client Console.
          6. Restart the Client Console and follow the instructions in the following section.
    • I have already manually downloaded the KB. Select this option to manually import the Knowledge Base file. 
  9. Click OK
    The Knowledge Base Import Wizard appears and starts unpacking and validating the Knowledge Base file. The file is checked for compatibility with your current deployment and is prepared for import. This may take several minutes. Upon completion, the message Knowledge Base unpacked appears in the status.
  10. To import the Knowledge Base, click OK.
    The Knowledge Base Updated message box appears.
  11. Click OK.
  12. On the Knowledge Base Import Wizard, click Close.
    The Missing Platform Manager Platform error message appears.
  13. Click OK.
  14. In the Platform Manager Properties dialog box, click the Browse icon next to the Platform box.
  15. In the Platform Selector table, select the row corresponding to your appliance and click OK.
  16. Enter an email address in the Email From Address field and click OK.
    The Missing Data Processor Platform error message appears.
  17. Click OK.
  18. In the Data Processor Properties dialog box, click the Browse icon next to the Platform box.
  19. In the Platform Selector table, select the row corresponding to your appliance and click OK.
    The Restart Component dialog box appears.
  20. Click OK.
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