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Configure the Session-Timeout Error Message

The LogRhythm Client Console can be configured to time out after a specified period of inactivity. When this occurs, an error message appears. The title and body of the error message are both customizable. Follow the instructions below to customize the timeout warning and to turn it on or off.

  1. Using a text editor, open the Security.xml file.
  2. To change the title of the warning, edit the text between the <Title> and </Title> tags.
  3. To change the warning message, edit the text between the <Text> and </Text> tags.
  4. To change the amount of time that needs to expire for a timeout to occur, edit the numerical value between the <TimeoutInSeconds> and </TimeoutInSeconds> tags.
  5. To turn the timeout function on or off, do one of the following steps:

    • Turn on the timeout function by setting the value between the <DisableTimeout> and </DisableTimeout> tags to false.

    • Turn off the timeout function by setting the value between the <DisableTimeout> and </DisableTimeout> tags to true.

  6. After completing the changes, save the file.
  7. To apply these changes, restart the LogRhythm Client Console.
    When users log in, they see a warning.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.