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Use Status, Entity, Risk, Notification List, and Alarm ID Filters

In the Alarm card view, the filters are in the filter bar beneath the Alarm Status trending graph.

In the Alarm grid view, most filters are in the grid at the top of each column. The Notification List button is underneath the Alarm Status trending graph on the right.

To use the Alarms page filters:

  1. On the top navigation bar, click Alarms.

  2. Click one of the following filters: Alarm Status, Entity, Alarm Rule, Risk, Notification List, or Alarm Id. 
    A list of available filter values is displayed. The blue counters indicate the number of matching alarms for each filter value. To refine longer lists, enter typeahead filter text for some or all of the value that you are seeking or scroll through the list.

    The Notification List filter does not include the number of matching alarms.

  3. In the list, click to select a value.
    The Alarms page refreshes to filter the alarms accordingly. Repeat this procedure for any other filters that you want to add from the lists.
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