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Pin and Resize Alarm Grid Columns

The Actions column in the Alarm grid always appears in a fixed location and size. The other columns can be pinned and resized as necessary.

To resize a column width:

  1. On the top navigation bar, click Alarms.
  2. Place your cursor over the upper-right edge of the column that you want to resize, just to the right of the Pin icon. 
    Your cursor should change to a double arrow.
  3. When your cursor changes, press and hold the left click button on your mouse and drag the column width as needed to resize it.
  4. When the column reaches the width you want, release the left-click button on your mouse.

To pin a column, click the Pin icon on the upper-right side of the column.

Pinned columns appear on the left side of the Alarm grid in the same order they had when unpinned.

To unpin a column, click the Pin icon again.

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