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Transfer Case Ownership

To be able to transfer ownership to another user, that user must first be assigned to the case as a collaborator. For instructions on assigning collaborators, see Assign Collaborators to a Case.

To transfer ownership:

  1. Open the case in the Case Details view. For details on opening the Case Details view, see Open the Case Details View.

  2. In the Collaborators panel on the right, click Assign Ownership.
    "Owner" buttons appear to the left of the collaborators.

    If you decide that you no longer want to transfer your case ownership, click the Cancel button to exit the Assign Ownership view.

  3. Click Owner next to the collaborator to whom you want to transfer ownership.
    The Assign Ownership view is removed from the Collaborators panel, where the new owner appears on top, next to the owner label. Your user name appears in the list of collaborators.
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