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Remove Alarm Filters

Alarm filters can be removed individually or all at once.

To remove filters individually:

  1. On the navigation bar, click Alarms.
  2. Click the list for the alarm filter that you want to remove.
  3. At the top of the list, select Any.
    The filter is removed and the Alarms page updates automatically to display the new results.

The Time Frame filter does not have an “Any” setting. For information on how to change the Time Frame value, see Use the Time Frame Filter.

To remove all filters, do one of the following:

  • In the Alarm card view on the alarm filter bar, click Reset Filters.
  • In the Alarm grid view above the right side of the grid, click Reset Filters.

The Time Frame filter is reset to “In the last 24 hours” and all other filters are removed. The Alarms page updates automatically to display the new results.

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