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Work with Playbooks in a Case

After Playbooks have been added to a case, you can complete procedures within the Playbook.

To work with procedures in a Playbook:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Open the Current Case panel and select the appropriate case from the Current Case list.
      1. Scroll to the Playbooks section.
      2. Click the arrow to expand the Playbook and show the procedures associated with the Playbook.
    • On the top navigation bar, click Cases. Scroll through the case cards until you locate the case with the appropriate Playbook.
      1. Click the case name.
        The Case Details view opens.
      2. To the right of the Evidence pane, in the Playbooks section, click the arrow to expand the Playbook and show the procedures associated with the Playbook.
  2. To see the procedure details, click the arrow next to the procedure.
  3. To assign the procedure to a user, select an assignee from the list. Only case owners and collaborators are available as assignees.
  4. To add notes to the procedure, type a note in the Notes box.
  5. To skip the procedure, click Skip.
  6. To complete a procedure, click the check box next to the procedure.
  7. When all procedures in the Playbook are complete, the icon next to the Playbook name changes to a check mark.
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