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Stop, Start, and Restart Agent Services on Windows

You must be logged in as an Administrator to take this action.

The Agent runs as a Windows service named LogRhythm System Monitor Service. It can be started, stopped, or restarted from Deployment Manager or from the Services control panel on the Data Processor server. The Agent can be configured to start at system boot time, but that is not the default installation. After the Agent is configured and tested, we recommend you configure it for automatic startup.

Both local and remote Agent services can be controlled from the Deployment Manager:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.
  2. Click the System Monitors tab.
  3. Select the Action check box of the Agents you want.
  4. Right-click the entry.
  5. Select Actions, and then select the sub-option you want.
    An entry appears in the Service Request pane at the lower left of the Client Console.
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