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Configure the Analyzer Grid

The Analyzer grid has the following customizable features:

Grid heightResize the Analyzer grid by placing the cursor at the top of the Logs panel so it changes from the default style to a row-resizer. Then press and hold the left mouse button as you drag the grid up and down to the size you want, and then release the mouse button. The height you set persists, even if you log out of the Web Console.
Column widthResize a column by placing the cursor between columns so it changes from the default style to a column-resizer. Then press and hold the left mouse button as you drag the column left or right to the size you want, and then release the mouse button. The column widths you set persists, even if you log out of the Web Console.
Column pinningTo make a column static on the grid and move it to the left, click the Pin icon at the top of the column. When a column is pinned to the grid, the Pin icon changes from gray to black. The pinned column remains in position, even if you log out of the Web Console. Click the Pin icon again to unpin the column.

To add logs to a case or export logs, select logs in the Actions column and select an option from the menu. For more information, see Export Log Data into a CSV File and Add Logs to a Case.

FavoritesTo add columns of metadata fields to the Favorites heading, click the Add to Favorites icon to the right of the metadata field name.
Filter and Sort Data

To filter columns with a typeahead filter:

  1. Click in a Type Here field at the top of a data column. A list of available filters appears.
  2. Enter typeahead filter text as needed or scroll through the list until you find the value that you want to apply.
    In addition to filtering columns by specific data values, you can apply filters for any data value or no data value. From the Type Here list, select NonBlanks to show only the events that have values in the column; select Blanks to show only the events that have no values in the column.
  3. Click the filter to apply it to the Analyzer grid.

To filter data by time range:

  1. At the top of the Log Date column, click Select Timeframe.
    The Select Timeframe calendar picker appears.
  2. Click to select a specific date or a date range.
    Selected dates turn blue.
  3. When you are finished selecting dates, click Select to apply the time range.

To sort data, click the arrows at the top of the columns to apply ascending or descending sort orders.

To clear all filters, click Clear All Filters.

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