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Configure Proxy Settings

To configure a proxy server for accessing vendor threat feeds:

  1. Click the Configure link next to the current Proxy Settings status near the top of the Service Manager window.
  2. To enable the connection via a proxy server, select the Enable proxy server check box, then complete the following:
    • Server Address. Type the URL of the proxy server to use for connecting to vendor threat feeds.
    • Port. Type the proxy server port to use.
    • Enable Proxy Server Authentication. Select this check box if the proxy server requires login or authentication credentials. If server authentication is enabled, type the appropriate credentials in the User Name, Password, and Domain boxes.
  3. To validate the current proxy configuration, click Test. If the validation fails, an error message is displayed. In this case, verify the configuration and try again.
  4. To save the configuration and close the dialog box, click Save.

Upon saving, the Configuration Manager looks up the server address via DNS. If the address is not registered, a warning message displays. If you want to continue with the specified address, click Yes to save the configuration and close. To return to the Proxy Configuration without saving, click No.

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