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Define AI Engine Rule Block Relationships

  1. Complete the information on the AI Engine Rule Block Relationship window:

    1. Related Fields. The options in the Rule Block list are the Group By boxes designated in the prior rule block. For example, if the Rule Block 1 field is an Impacted Host, then it can only be related to an Impacted Host in Rule Block 2.

      • To select an option in the first column, click the down-arrow at the end of the field.
      • To select an option in the last column, click the down-arrow at the end of the field. Only boxes compatible with the first column option will be available.
    2. Time Limit.

      1. On the top row, set the time duration when this rule block must be satisfied. You can edit this value on the Threshold and Unique Values tabs in the Rule Block Wizard.
        You can also adjust time duration in the Rule Block Times pane by clicking and dragging the slide bar that is emphasized in the following screen shot.

      2. On the bottom row of Time Limit in the AI Engine Rule Block Relationship window, indicate when to start evaluating this rule block relative to the previous rule block. You can toggle the button before the time field between + and –.

        • "+" - indicates a time after the previous rule block is satisfied.
        • "–+ - indicates a time before the previous rule block is satisfied.
  2. Click OK.
  3. To define a third rule block, repeat the process that starts with step 5 in Create New AI Engine Rules.
  4. To access Settings tab and complete the required information, click Next. For information on the options in the Settings tab, see Filters—Settings.
  5. To access the Notify tab and complete the required information, click Next. For information on the options in the Notify tab, see Filters—Notify.
  6. To access the Information tab and complete the required information, click Next. For information on the options in the Information tab, see Filters—Information.
    The new rule is listed in the AI Rule Manager grid with a status of Disabled.

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