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Filters—Time and Schedule

This page uses adding filters to an AI Engine Rule as an example. The names of windows and setting options vary slightly depending on where you are creating or modifying a filter.

The Time and Schedule tab appears on the both the Trend and the Statistical AI Engine Rule block; however, it is slightly different in each type of block. It is used to specify Time Period(s), Evaluation Frequency, and Evaluation Schedule.

To define a Time and Schedule

  1. Enter the Live Time Period for both Trend and Statistical Blocks.
    This is the most recent time period over which data should be evaluated in days, hours, and minutes. The Live Time Period is the time frame in which recent activity will be evaluated.
  2. For the Trend Block only, enter the Baseline Time Period.
    The Baseline Time Period is the time frame immediately prior to the Live period in which past activity is evaluated. By default, the Evaluation Frequency is one-third of the Live Period, meaning that the rule will be evaluated three times during every Live Time Period.
  3. Select the Evaluation Frequency.
    All Rule Blocks in the rule are evaluated during the specified Evaluation Schedule. The Rule Block is triggered at the end of each Evaluation Frequency period in which the expressions, if any, are met. 
    • By default, the Evaluation Frequency is one-third of the Live Time Period.
    • To change the default, clear the Auto check box and enter a range from 1 minute to 24 hours. The frequency can range from 1 minute to 24 hours.
  4. Select the Evaluation Schedule.
    • To evaluate the Rule Block all of the time, select Always Active.
    • To create a monitoring interval, select According to the Schedule Below.

    The duration of the interval should be an even multiple of the Evaluation Frequency.

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