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Zoom In and Out on the Map

The Threat Activity Map defaults to a world view, but you can zoom in to see more specific areas or zoom out to see a broader area.

To zoom in or out on the Threat Activity map:

  • Click the Zoom In icon to see more specific areas or click the Zoom Out icon to see a broader area.
  • Use your mouse's scroll wheel to zoom in to a specific area or to zoom out to see a broader area.
  • Click once on a node to zoom in.

If you want the map to default to a certain area when you open the Web Console, zoom in or out to the area you want to be your default and click the Save icon to save your dashboard. For more information about saving dashboards, see Save Dashboard Changes.

Zooming in and out does not affect the data available in the other widgets on the dashboard or in the log viewer. Zooming in does not start a drill down for more data, it is only a way to explore the map.

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