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Add Personal Dashboard Filters

Personal Dashboard filters allow you to tailor the Dashboard display to your needs. You can create as many filters as you like and select or clear them from the View menu on the toolbar.

  1. On the main toolbar, click Personal Dashboard.
  2. On the main toolbar, click the Filters icon.
    The Personal Dashboard Filter Manager window appears.
  3. Right-click the grid, and then click New.

  4. The Personal Dashboard Filter Properties window appears.

  5. Type a filter name.

  6. (Optional) Type a Brief Description for the filter.

  7. Select one of the following Log Source Criteria section options:

    • Include All Log Sources. This option requires that you include at least one Include Filters or Exclude Filters option.

    • Include Log Sources from the Selected Lists. This option populates the grid with Log Source Lists. Select which ones to include in the filter. See Lists for more information.

    • Include the Selected Log Sources. This option populates the grid with Log Sources. Select which ones to include in the filter.

  8. Set up one or more Include Filters.

  9. Set up one or more Exclude Filters.

    Include Filters and Exclude Filters are optional unless you selected Include All Log Sources. In that case, you must select at least one Include or Exclude filter.

  10. To allow other users to view, apply, or clone this filter, select the Public All Users - filter will be available for use by all LogRhythm users check box. Leave it unchecked if only your user ID should be able to view, apply, or clone it.

    Public filters can only be modified or deleted by someone that signs in with the logon credentials that created it.

  11. Click OK.

  12. The filter is added to the options list.

  13. Click OK.

  14. You are prompted for when to apply the filter.

    • To apply the filter to the currently retrieved data, click Yes.

    • To apply the filter after the next screen refresh, click No.

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