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Use the AI Engine Rule Viewer

You can view an AI Engine Rule’s design through an alarm or event triggered by an AIE rule. There are two ways to view basic AI Engine Rule information in the Inspector panel: via an event on the Dashboards page (in the Analyzer grid) or via an Alarm. For more information about AI Engine Rules, see Advanced Intelligence Engine in the Client Console (Administrator's Guide).

To use the AI Engine Rule viewer in the Inspector panel:

  1. Access an alarm or event that was triggered by an AI Engine Rule. Alarms or events that were triggered by an AI Engine Rule have an "AIE" prefix.
    1. To view AI Engine Rule information for an event. complete the following:
      1. Access the Events viewer by clicking the Logs tab.
      2. Click the event that contains the AI Engine Rule. If the event was triggered by an AI Engine Rule, the AI Engine Rule tab activates in the Inspector panel.
    2. To view AI Engine Rule information for an alarm, complete the following:
      1. On the navigation bar, click Alarms.
      2. Click an alarm that was triggered by an AI Engine Rule. If the alarm was triggered by an AI Engine Rule, the AI Engine Rule tab activates in the Inspector panel.
  2. Click the AI Engine Rule tab. 
    The Web Console queries the database for information about the rule’s design and displays it in the Inspector panel.

    The Web Console displays the AIE rule as it exists at the time the tab is loaded. If the rule was changed since the event or alarm was fired, the Web Console does not show you the old design. It shows the design that is current at the time the AI Engine Rule tab is selected.

  3. Scroll through the Inspector panel to see the rule’s details.
    • The top section displays the rule’s basic properties.
    • In the next section, information about the Rule Block(s) are shown below.
    • Relationship configuration information is shown for rules with multiple blocks. 

Advanced rules using complex expressions allow you to toggle how you view the expression either using a referential formula (similar to the Client Console) or using a nested graphical display.

  • Click Formula for a view similar to how it appears in the Client Console.
  • Click Hierarchy for a view unique to the Web Console.
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